Ringworm scalp

Ringworm scalp

Tinea capitis, also known as ‘ringworm of the scalp’ is one of
several forms of the ringworm fungal infection. 
Commonly, the infection looks like severe dandruff on various
places on the scalp. Some infections cause patches of hair loss
(bald patches) to develop. The bald patches are usually inflamed
and very scaly and covered by broken hair and stubble. A severely
affected area may develop a very thick build-up of scale called
kerion. In these cases Tinea capitis may be mistaken for
Tinea capitis is contagious and most cases are transferred
from person to person through direct contact or sharing towels,
sheets, combs, brushes. Sometimes an outbreak of Tinea capitis
occurs in families or schools. Some dogs, cats and other pets and
farm animals have fungal infections on their skin. Animals can pass
on the fungal infection which causes Tinea capitis, especially to
children. In these cases the animal may need to be treated by a
Different fungal organisms cause Tinea capitis. The symptoms
will vary depending on the type of organism that is causing the
individual infection. Symptoms of Tinea capitis include dandruff,
itching and scaling of the scalp and patches of baldness (this is
caused by hair falling out from the lesions). Hair that does fall
out will usually re-grow 6 to 12 months after treatment.
If the hair does not fall out it may become brittle and break
off leaving a stubble of hair on the scalp. In some cases several
painful pustules (boils) develop on the scalp. A fever may develop
with a severe infection and the glands in the neck may swell.
As with all conditions your Doctor should be consulted. Your
Doctor will diagnose and treat this condition. Ask your Doctor
about the latest advice on this ailment. To identify Tinea capitis,
a culture of the fungus is taken and examined. Treatment usually
involves taking oral anti-fungal medication and using a medicated
shampoo until symptoms subside. Your Doctor may prescribe oral
steroids or a steroid cream in cases where Tinea capitis is causing
severe inflammation. Once treatment has begun, children do not need
to be excluded from school or daycare.
It is important to support the immune system. Some dietary
suggestions include;
  • Whole grains, raw fruits and fresh vegetables. These provide
    antioxidants which may help stimulate the immune system.
  • Try to avoid excess sugar and white flour products.
  • Try to eat unsweetened yoghurt. These provide acidophilus which
    help regulate bacteria levels.
  • Try to eat lactic acid fermented foods such as sauerkraut, sour
    dough breads and yoghurt to help prevent the spread of
  • Zinc is thought to stimulate the immune system and inhibit
    fungal infections.
  • Garlic is a strong antifungal agent.
  • Acidophilus replaces good bacteria and helps prevent an
    overgrowth of bad bacteria.
  • Golden seal herb is thought to inhibit the growth of fungus and
    other organisms. Golden seal can also be effectively used as a
    topical treatment in cream or ointment form.
  • Pau D’Arco herb is believed to be an effective antifungal
  • Tea tree oil is known for its antifungal and antibacterial
    action. Bathe the affected area in a solution of water (1 litre) to
    Tea tree oil (10 drops) daily.
Ask your Pharmacist for advice.
  1. Follow the Diet Hints.
  2. Use a medicated shampoo containing selenium sulphide or zinc
    pyrithione 2 to 3 times per week. Ask your Pharmacist to recommend
    a suitable shampoo. This can help decrease shedding of spores and
    should be used together with the oral anti-fungal medication
    prescribed by your Doctor. Using a medicated shampoo alone will not
    effectively treat the condition. 
  3. To reduce the risk of infection with Tinea capitis avoid
    lending or borrowing personal items such as clothing, towels,
    hairbrushes etc.
  4. To prevent re-infection after treatment, wash combs and brushes
    in disinfectant solution such as mild bleach.
  5. Always wash the hands with a germicidal soap to prevent the
    spreading of infection
  6. If the diet is inadequate consider some supplements.