

Dandruff particles are visible flakes of skin that have been
continuously shed from the scalp.
The precise cause of Dandruff is unclear. The top layer of
skin is constantly being shed and renewed. Normally this goes
unnoticed on the rest of the body, however, on the scalp the hair
traps the scaling skin so that the scales become more evident.
Dandruff may result from an overproduction and shedding of dead
skin from the scalp. Pityrosporum is a microscopic fungus that is
normally present on oily areas of the skin. People who have
dandruff often have an unusually large amount of this fungus on the
  • White scales in the hair and on the clothes (especially
    noticeable on dark clothes). This may be associated with itching.
    Dandruff is always widely scattered on the scalp rather than
As with all medical conditions consult your Doctor for
diagnosis and advice. Scalp conditions should be checked by your
Doctor to rule out other more serious conditions such as eczema,
psoriasis or seborrhoeic dermatitis. Massage your scalp for a few
minutes each day to stimulate the circulation and loosen dead skin
cells. This can then be followed by vigorous brushing to remove
loosened flakes. Wash your hair regularly with an anti-dandruff
shampoo with fungicides. Rinse well to eliminate any build-up of
hair products. Stress has been known to play a significant part in
skin conditions such as dandruff, so relaxation techniques may be
of assistance.
  • Eat a variety of nutritious foods.
  • Eat plenty of wholegrain breads and cereals, vegetables and
  • Eat a diet low in fat and, in particular, low in saturated
  • Maintain a healthy bodyweight by balancing food intake and
    regular physical activity.
  • If you drink alcohol, limit your intake.
Nutritional supplements are only to be taken if the dietary
vitamin intake is inadequate.
  • Vitamin B complex may help control dandruff.
  • Zinc may help control dandruff.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish and flaxseed oils) may help
    reduce flaking dandruff and an itching scalp, as well as eczema and
    psoriasis of the scalp.
  • Omega-6 fatty acids found in Evening primrose oil may help
    control dandruff.
  • Tea Tree oil shampoos may be beneficial as it may stop dandruff
    by eliminating fungal damage to the skin. Tea tree oil is
    antiseptic, antibiotic and antifungal and it is recommended to wash
    hair daily with tea tree oil shampoo in the treatment of
Ask your Pharmacist for advice.
  1. Follow the Diet Hints. 
  2. Avoid all external irritants on the skin e.g hair colourant and
    perming lotion. Use a mild shampoo. Changing to a different shampoo
    or styling product may help. Alternating between 2 mild shampoos
    may also improve the condition of your scalp.
  3. Ask your Pharmacist about special treatment shampoos in the
    Pharmacy. The most common anti-dandruff shampoos contain one or
    more of the following ingredients: tar, selenium sulphide, zinc
    pyrithione or zinc omadine, piroctone and antifungal agents. In the
    past, the scent of the tar-based shampoos was unpleasant however,
    newer preparations are well tolerated and simple to use. Piroctone
    olamine is the most recent addition to the medicated shampoos. It
    is known as a ‘second generation’ anti-dandruff agent. It is less
    toxic than zinc pyrithione and is therefore safer for family
  4. Excessive sweating may aggravate Dandruff.
  5. Try to avoid scratching your scalp when you shampoo. When you
    shampoo, massage your scalp without scratching.
  6. A shampoo contain tea-tree oil may help to reduce the severity
    of Dandruff. 
  7. If the diet is inadequate consider some supplements. B Group
    Vitamins taken as a supplement can sometimes help particularly if
    stress is a problem. Essential fatty acid deficiencies are thought
    to play some part in the incidence of Dandruff. Fish Oil capsules
    are a good source of essential fatty acids.