Colds – Baby

Colds – Baby

Colds are contagious infections of the upper airways most
often caused by a virus. Colds are very common in young children,
with most suffering around 10 colds in their first two years of
There are over 100 different types of virus responsible for
the common Cold. Colds are spread through the air, or by coming
into contact with the nose, mouth or throat secretions of an
infected person. In babies most Colds occur when the baby is
touched by someone who has not washed their hands. Exposure to cold
temperatures does not in itself cause the common Cold. The common
Cold is annoying to a baby but usually clears up without any
serious complications. Breastfeeding usually offers protection
against the Cold in the first couple of months.
  • Mild, persistent cough. 
  • Loss of appetite, refusing breast or bottle feeds. 
  • Runny nose and sneezing.
  • Irritability. 
  • Fever is NOT usually associated with the common Cold. Presence
    of a fever is more likely to be related to influenza or another
    bacterial infection. Contact your Doctor if your baby develops a
  • If your baby is less than 3 months old, or the Cold persists
    for longer than 1 week, call your Doctor. 
  • Antibiotics are not used as these types of drugs are not
    effective against viral infections.
  • If a fever develops, call your Doctor.
  • If you are breastfeeding, continue as normal.
  • Disinfect all toys and household surfaces daily. 
  • Anyone coming into contact with the baby should wash their
    hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  • People with Colds should be kept away from the baby until their
    symptoms have gone.
  • Do not give any medications to a baby unless your Doctor or
    Pharmacist has recommended them.
  • Saline nose drops may make it easier for your baby to breathe,
    especially during feeding.
  • A steam humidifier can keep the airways moist and reduce
Ask your Pharmacist for advice.
  1. Small frequent feeds might be better.
  2. Give paracetamol or ibuprofen in a mixture form to help relieve
    the symptoms. Remember, do not give aspirin to children under 16
    years because of possible side effects. 
  3. A chestrub suitable for a baby’s delicate skin may help with
    breathing difficulties.
  4. A vaporiser in the same room as the baby may help ease some
    Cold symptoms.
  5. Inform other people in the household to always wash the hands
    and use a disinfectant on areas where the virus might be living
    e.g., a telephone, to help stop the spread of a Cold. Remember that
    prevention is the key.
  6. If dietary intake is inadequate nutritional supplements may
    assist. Vitamin C, children’s garlic and child echinacea are
    available in most Pharmacies.
Aspirin should not be given to children under 16 years of age
unless specified by a Doctor.