

Haemorrhoids (also known as piles) occur when a vein or veins
found in the anus (the lower end of the bowel) become dilated and
inflamed. Haemorrhoids are similar to varicose veins, but occur in
the region of the anus.
There are three types of haemorrhoids:. 
  • External haemorrhoids – small spots of bleeding that occur
    under the skin around the anus that feel like hard lumps.
  • Internal haemorrhoids – found inside the rectum and are usually
    painless but may bleed.
  • Prolapsed haemorrhoids – a more severe and painful form of
    internal haemorrhoids. These haemorrhoids push through the anus and
    hang out of the body, especially after going to the toilet.
Certain activities can weaken the tissue that provides support
to the blood vessels in the anus and rectum and increase the risk
of haemorrhoids developing.. 
These activities include:
  • Increasing age
  • Constipation
  • Prolonged straining (eg. long periods on the toilet, heavy
    manual labour)
  • Pregnancy.
  • Bleeding (the blood is usually bright red and is usually
    noticed on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl). Note: haemorrhoids
    may not be the cause of rectal bleeding and it is important that
    patients with rectal bleeding visit their doctor to determine the
  • Lumps or prolapse (appearance of the internal lining of the
    anus outside the anal aperture) after defaecation
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Itching
  • Burning sensation
  • Soiling of the underwear.
  • Internal haemorrhoids may cause a feeling that a bowel movement
    was incomplete. Note: rectal tumours may also cause a feeling of
    incomplete evacuation, so it is important to see your doctor to
    rule out more serious conditions such as colorectal cancer.
Consult your Doctor to diagnose and treat this condition. A
procedure called sclerotherapy (where the haemorrhoid is injected
with a chemical called phenol) is used to control bleeding from
haemorrhoids. Larger haemorrhoids may require ‘rubber band
ligation’, where a small rubber band is tightly applied to internal
haemorrhoids and causes the haemorrhoid tissue to die.
  • Increase the amount of fibre in the diet to make the stools
    softer and to reduce straining. 
  • Chronic constipation is considered a major cause for the
    formation of haemorrhoids. The diet should be high in vegetables,
    fruits, cereals and water to provide the fibre and fluids required
    to soften faecal matter. 
  • Increase soluble fibre intake. Soluble fibre is found in fresh,
    raw fruits and vegetables and rolled oats. See the Constipation
    Diet topic on Healthpoint for further dietary advice. 
  • Vitamin C and bioflavonoids are thought to strengthen the walls
    of blood vessels. Foods high in vitamin C and bioflavonoids are
    fresh raw fruits and vegetables, especially cabbage, green peppers,
    citrus fruits with the pith included, rosehips and blackcurrants
    and whole grains, seeds and nuts.
  • Avoid packaged and refined foods. These promote dehydration and
    are low in fibre. Increase the consumption of fresh whole
  • Avoid constipating foods such as red wine, chocolate, tea,
    coffee, cocoa and cola.
  • Vitamin C may strengthen rectal tissue and therefore be
    beneficial in treating haemorrhoids
  • Bioflavonoids such as rutin and hesperidin have been shown to
    be effective in treating haemorrhoids. Bioflavonoids may reduce
    swelling and prevent bleeding of haemorrhoids.
  • Butcher’s broom is a herb that may constrict and reduce
    inflammation of haemorrhoidal tissuehas anti-inflammatory actions
    and constricts blood vessels. Buther’s Broom is particularly
    effective for the relief of burning and itching from
  • Witch hazel can be applied directly to treat bleeding
    haemorrhoids and relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Aloe vera can be applied directly to the haemorrhoid via a gel.
    This can relieve pain and soothe the burning sensation. Aloe vera
    can also be taken internally as a juice and can be healing and
    soothing to the digestive tract.. 
  • Horse chestnut can improve circulation and reduce swelling of
    haemorrhoids. It can also make blood vessels more elastic.
  • Flaxseed oil can assist in regularity of bowel movements and
    reduce straining. The essential fatty acids can promote tissue
  • Psyllium is a good fiber supplement which can reduce the pain
    and bleeding associated with haemorrhoids.
  • Acidophilus a probiotic contains friendly bacteria such as
    lactobacillus which can improve digestion and constipation.
The listed essential oils are suggested for the temporary
relief of the discomfort of Haemorrhoids. The most specific oils
are shown in capitals. 
DIRECT: Blend 10 drops Cypress essential oil to 10mL (1/3 fl
oz) carrier oil. Hypericum infused oil makes an excellent carrier
oil for the health management of Haemorrhoids as it is specific in
its application for this particular complaint.
The above recommendations are for an adult. For children 2 to
12 years and during pregnancy, use less than 1/2 dose i.e. 3 drops
to 10ml (1/3 fl oz).
Ask your Pharmacist for advice.
  1. Follow the Diet Hints
  2. Keep the bowels regular and avoid constipation. Ask your
    Pharmacist about some fibre products if you are having any
    difficulty. Stool softeners are suggested for some patients.
  3. If the pain is severe, there are pain-relieving tablets
    available. Be aware that codeine may cause constipation.
  4. Your Pharmacist can recommend a suitable Haemorrhoid ointment.
    Ask for advice.
  5. Use a mild soap and water after each bowel movement to clean
    the area and then pat dry to provide hygiene and help with the
    healing. Using a medicated wipe may also help.
  6. Some dietary supplements may be taken if the diet is
    inadequate. Ask your Pharmacist for advice on dosages and
  7. A gentle astringent such as witch hazel lotion has a soothing
    effect when applied to Haemorrhoids. The astringency of witch hazel
    helps to draw together and heal the veins, providing relief by
    cooling and relieving the inflammation. It can be applied icy cold
    or warm, depending on which is more effective for the